
Sensi Seeds » GROW AVEC PHILIP ADAMS – Cuttings Constitute Or How To Kill Your Gene Bank

Therefore, that females are identified, we must make backups in order to keep the most interesting plants. For this, cuttings is the best techniques. 1.Prélever cuttings from female plants growing. 2.Mettre these cuttings to root growth in space. 3.Lay the mother plants flowering in space. While the plants flower, cuttings take root and grow. Once flowering plants harvested, and determined the best, it is sufficient to remove cuttings from other plants and keep only the best cuttings by making its parent plant. Now, the mother plant will be used to fund your space flowering cuttings. So, crops are more uniform in quality and quantity of the product, finished as well as the time of flowering.
Cuttings : The technique involves taking cuttings from a branch on a plant, that, Once planted in a substrate and under certain conditions, take root and form a new individual, identical to the parent plant with a genetic point of view. This technique : - To keep a plant, and its genetic, without being invaded by plants too big and old. - Multiplied by a large number of copies, genetically identical, a plant with interesting features. - D'optimiser le performance et la Production d'uniformiser.

- To avoid having to buy seeds and having to select female plants.

"その影の下には座ることを期待しないでください。 "
Materials needed : - A mini-greenhouse - Perlite - Pots 7X7X8cm - Earth cuttings or small blocks of rock wool - Rooting hormone - Heating mat - Spray - Sterilized scalpel - Identification labels and a permanent marker. Technical : 1)Select a parent plant to propagate by cuttings. 2) Select a branch cuttings and prepare it by removing the leaves at the node where it is cut. A suitable cutting must be made between 10 a 15cm. The stem should be slightly lignified, trop.Les branches but not as hard as wood are much more difficult to get out of roots, young branches and tendrent rot too easily. The lower branches are more easily than bouturent very close to the light source 3)Cut the cutting and place it immediately in a glass of water.
4) Prepare pots filled with soil for planting, avoid over-compacting the substrate. If the cutting is done in the wool, it must be soaked in a solution blocks 5 pH for 24. 5)Prepare the rooting hormone and hormone scalpel.Les cuttings are not mandatory, but they increase your chances of success. There are hormones powder, but the gel hormones are much more effective. 6)Reduce the size of the leaves to reduce water evaporation from the young cuttings. 7)Overlap, scalpel, the cutting in a knot.

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